At BMK Benchmark, we view the safety of all workers as an invaluable commodity. No time constraints, deadlines, or potential cost savings will take the place of preventative precautions on any BMK Benchmark work site.
BMK BENCHMARK INC. believes that we are accountable to provide a healthy and safe working environment for our employees, Trade Contractors, suppliers and everyone involved. We are committed to workplace health and safety and set workplace standards which are reviewed for continual improvement based upon the following philosophies;
- the health and safety of our employees, Trade Contractors, suppliers and the environment is an important element in the success of our business;
- the responsibilities for workplace health and safety must extend to all workplace parties (senior management, supervisors and workers) on or off the job
- our “Health and Safety Program” will be used to ensure that workplace incidents and their severity are minimized;
- management, employees and Trade Contractors must be pro-active in workplace Health and Safety; and safety is cost effective;
Furthermore, through the implementation and maintenance of our health and safety program, we will ensure that;
- workplace standards are developed that meet and/or exceed the minimum requirements established in the Occupational Health & Safety Act and the relevant Regulations (Construction, WHMIS, etc.) which pertain to our workplace(s)
- compliance with established and legislated safe operating procedures is being monitored, through workplace inspections and follow-up of unsafe conditions or work practices.
- loss control is maintained through investigation of workplace incidents and subsequent implementation of corrective measures to prevent recurrence.
- supervisors and Trade Contractors are evaluated on their ability to ensure Health & Safety standards are maintained in accordance with site policies and/or the minimum legislative requirements.
- disciplinary measures are used to reinforce our policy with Trade Contractors who willfully disregard health and safety requirements.
- through our Return to Work Program, we will endeavor to offer modified work to those employees who have sustained injury or illness with a view to facilitate their rehabilitation and to safely return them to their pre-injury job function as soon as they are capable
The success of our organization depends on our reputation to provide a quality product and service in a safe and timely manner. Health and safety must be incorporated into all facets of our operations.
Through open lines of communication, objective discussions and cooperation between workers, supervisors, management, the Joint Health and Safety Committee/Worker Health and Safety Representative and other outside parties, our objectives of a workplace free of hazards, injury and illness can and will be achieved.

John Kutlesa, President
Health & Safety Policy
Compliance Agreement Form